31 May 2014

Oh the things you see

Life is rough. That's why I prescribe myself the cure all pill: vitamin sea. And ohhhhhh the things you seeeeeee.

Today was one of those days, that I couldn't help but to blog about, because it was amazing. Most people don't care about the little things in the ocean, but they are seriously some of the coolest creatures. Everyone rants on and on about marine mammals and sharks (which are definitely my favorite, but...), but they often overlook the most spectacular things. Today, I went for a snorkel at my favorite spot, which I call Mollusca. I just want to say that, if I am reincarnated into anything, it better be a mermaid because sea life makes me whole.

The first thing I saw today were my favorite Blue Swallowtail Slugs (Chelidonura hirundinina). I know I show them to you every time, but they are so little (~1 in), and they are BRONCOS colors, come on, you know they are pretty. These little guys feed on small flatworms, not algae as you might suspect considering you always find them where the algae is.

There were like 10 blue swallowtail slugs on a rock which I thought was fascinating until I figured out what they were showing me: a Day Octopus (Octopus cyanea). I laugh so hard at octos. When you start to swim away they peer out from their hiding holes with their eyes to watch you. I sat and played with this one today and chased it. I love when they ink, because I love to try to figure out which direction they are going to go. See the video of me chasing it while its inking, it led me to something super cool.

At the end of the video you can see I got a little distracted because I came across something I have never seen. I believe it is an Eared Sea Hare (Dolabella auricularia). I like it because it looks like it has a flat butt (Ha), but really the end of it looks like it was cut off. When Google-ing, I found that there has been anticancer compounds isolated from this animal. The ocean is awesome!

The eared sea hare, of course let me to see what I think is a Borradaile's Ghost Shrimp (Corallianassa borradailei). I tried to get it to come out, since I have never seen it, but it didn't. Sadness.

Then, I saw a curious Cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii) . He chilled with me for a good ten minutes, checking me out. I was like, YES we can be BESTIES, you don't even have to ask.
After this, I though it was a good time to head back in, as it had already been an hour.... but I took some photos of some cuties.

Spotted Boxfish (Ostracion meleagris)

Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby (Canthigster jactator)

Ringed Sap-Sucking Slug (Plakobranchus ocellatus)
Then, I came across a Snowflake Moray (Echidna nebulosa). I snorkel here often so I know the patterns of the eels, but this one was new. I think it may have been finding prey when he spotted me. It was definitely not a happy camper, and its face cracks me up at the end of the video. Eels always give me a little chill down the spine, probably because they look like snakes and I hate snakes. Snowflake morays are the nicer eels, I think, since they don't have sharp teeth like most of the others. In the last photo, you can see something next to it (the pink thing!), which is by far one of my new favorite animals.

So, what is that pink thing? I had no idea. So, I poked it and like speedy Gonzales, this crab flurries away as if I am a predator. Which, I suppose I am! I need that one good photo so everyone believes me that I saw it. It was sooooooo pretty, I had a hard time taking photos because I just wanted to stare at it in aww. This crab was a Jeweled Anemone Crab (Dardanus gemmatus). Yes, it has living anemones on its shell. I know way cool! It is definitely one of my new favorite, and I soooooo desperately wanted to take this li'l' fella home with me! But I didn't, don't worry. I just watched it for a good thirty minutes and stared at its beauty.

I know, I know, I took like 20 photos of the same thing. DO NOT JUDGE ME! It was super cool!

And lastly, I ended my snorkel seeing a pair of Penniform Cones (Conus pennaceus). I love cone snails, they are by far my favorite shells. But, some will sting you bad!

I hope everyone else had a fabulous Saturday and I hope it was as salty as mine! If not, I hope these photos and videos gave you a little vitamin sea.

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